Pineal decalcify to eliminate The blindness of the mind. Awaken thy powers of the 3rd eye and be a visionary…
Pineal decalcify + activation blastoff pack is a session done by the Jedi Wizard to get your inner third eye working again. Exposure to fluoride, chlorine and some other chemicals make the gland build calcification, thus hindering its function. In order to have inner visions and see things going on all throughout the world or universe to give clues on events, a working third eye is needed. Having the third eye working can be a gateway first step to activating your other clairvoyances as well. If you have your pineal working, you can start having visions of events. The pineal is a portal. Think time travel or worm hole portal, and the pineal creates the worm hole, your mind jumps through, and goes to another point in space-time to gather vision and information, then comes back to your current mind and feeds you pictures. Usually those events are of interest to you in some way which is why the jump was made by the mind.
The Jedi Wizard uses 4 main methods for the cleaning up and activation, along with a push/force “switch” .
The first is a metaphysical command, the second is done through atomic/scalar programming, the 3rd through virtual energetic embedded supplements and 4th is you getting 2 specific supplements to take. Results do depend from person to person. If you have “blocks”, they will be found and dealt with. The booking includes future timeline auto adjustments to re-do the 3 methods into the future to boost the programs for further propping up. In 90 days you will be entitled to a consult follow up call and 1 more manual session to “fine tune” the final touches. You will receive a projection to 90% abilities timetable. It could be 30 days, it could be 90+, however results will be increasing daily/weekly.
More on the function of the pineal gland
the pineal gland is a coned shaped body, 6mm high and 4mm in diameter -the mind inhabits the pineal gland.
-its the organ through which the electrical forces of the body play
-It’s what the universal essence/soul/consciousness deposited
-it is the light of the body that gives life to the whole temple.
-the pineal is the male spiritual organ.
-the pineal gland opens when the two eyes are closed for periods.
-the more spiritual work you do the more active the pineal gland becomes
-the pineal gland is covered in micro-crystals. Crystals have the ability to receive and emit frequencies.
The pineal gland has pizoluminescent cells which are crystalline jagged shaped.
-the retina of the two eyes also has these cells
-The pineal has them because it takes in light and reflects, refracts and emits light.
-the pineal gland emits light this is why we say enlightenment.