Through 6 clairvoyances + pineal activation The blindness of the mind and third eye need not continue. Awaken thy powers of the 3rd eye, ESP and 6th sense…
6 clairvoyances + pineal activation pack to become a psychic / clairvoyant with this activation session program from the Jedi Wizard. Activate these basic intuition gifts, 6 neurological wiring functions which will give you impressive knowing, foresight, extra sensory perceptions (ESP), a decalcified pineal gland and other amazing abilities which lead to even more psychic powers. In fact, other ESP abilities can naturally pop up on their own. If you are just wanting to be be ahead of the curve in life, sniff out phonies, BS and grifters, or are in the occult industry such as palm reader, tarot card reader, phone psychic etc. and need full clairs, or more clairs, this is for you!
The Jedi Wizard uses 4 main methods for the 6 clairvoyances activation’s plus the third eye de-calcification, along with a push/force “switch” for divination “wiring”. Further, a command for new neurological connections to create nerves and neurons to connect the entire psychic facilities. The first is a metaphysical command, the second is done through atomic/scalar programming, the 3rd through virtual energetic embedded supplements and 4th is you getting 2 specific supplements to take. Results do depend from person to person. If you have “blocks”, they will be found and dealt with. The booking includes future timeline auto adjustments to re-do the 3 methods into the future to boost the programs for further propping up. In 90 days you will be entitled to a consult follow up call and 1 more manual session to “fine tune” the final touches. You will receive a projection to 90% abilities timetable. It could be 30 days, it could be 90+, however results will be increasing daily/weekly.