Nervous system Ormus coating Super charges psychic abilities and paves the neuro Clair nerve system with gold ormus for the auto bahn of info exchange and conductivity.
Nervous system Ormus coating, what is this all about? The nervous system sends information on a meridian type super highway. Ormus (colloidal gold) if radionacly coated to these specific Clair nuro paths will super charge it for further clairvoyance system upgrades, functions and efficiency.
BOOK this service is you are an up and coming psychic or already are, clairvoyant, developing your ESP systems for any purpose, including the Clair systems and services offered by the Jedi Wizard here. You can opt for this add on as your extra high efficiency neurological system and pave it with gold. Gold is the top conductivity element, next to silver, then copper. If you feel like your ESP is not firing optimal, or sense interferences, or just ready to get the max, book this “AutoBahn” neuro highway gold paving. If you are a pro psychic of any type, consult the Jedi Wizard to take your abilities to the next level and become a great pro in your profession.
Great for: Remote viewers, psychics, palm readers, wizards, clairvoyants of profession and others.
A custom target tuning is made to reach only nerves/neuro systems which are used for any and all psychic and Clairvoyant facilities. In other words, the Clairvoyant neuro highways.
This pack will be done in a session, with auto “top up” re tuning at an interval over weeks and months to retop the programs as needed. Free consult call before or after the booking. Free follow up call 90 days after first session for a final manual balance on any area needing extra attention. If you are needing actual supplements, we will discuss those which you can acquire on your own.