OH IS THAT SO? YOU MAY BE ASKING YOURSELF IN DOUBT… Yes, it is SO, and yes, it is possible. Weaken sports opponents? How? In essence, this is a metaphysical technique which involves using a known word, extracted from an area of the opponents body, acupuncture point, mental, phyche or emotional WEAK POINT, which makes the muscles of the opponent go weak, for 1 second, by you just thinking and projecting the known weak point WORD.
If one or more weak points of someone you will go up against in a sports competition is known, you can think or implement the word to weaken them, while playing against them. Thus, giving you an advantage to make them fumble, make mistakes, be off point, and simply weaken them while they are playing their moves at exact points in time. Or, weakening the entire muscle system for a second, while YOU are playing your strong move, to cut through the opponents resistance defenses for that key 1 to 2 seconds of action! — LIKE A…
To help bring this power home to understanding, let’s use the reference to the Jedi in Star Wars. The Force. The Force consists of various demonstrated powers throughout the movie. One such aspect of the force in the series (the original first 3, unadulterated movies) is THE POWER TO INFLUENCE OTHERS. This Jedi trick can KINETICALLY, FOR A MOMENT, influence the targeted persons muscle systems for the one second, to give you the winning advantage. That one second advantage, if done 50x in a football game, gives you sweep powers.
Without giving away the secret recipe here, here is what the Jedi Wizard gives you for the fee:
You in advance provide the list of opponents you will go up against in the future. Name and photos. JW will give you their weak point, one or more, but will give you at least 2, which will consist of their biggest weak point among them all. The JW will then explain to you how you, and your team, or coach, will use the word while playing the game. How to project it onto the target person, or multiple weakening words for 2,3,4 players on the opposing team. Your team can have the weakening words of several players on opposing team, best to attack their star players, for when they get the ball etc. Let me give you an example>
1 on 1 wrestler example
Jo is a semi pro wrestler with 4 years experience. He is ready to take on winners and champions who have great skill, wins and take them off their perch. Jo has given the JW the names and pictures of the next 3 matches he is scheduled to go up against in the coming weeks who he must win against to get into the regional tournament for a chance to win a medal. So, his first opponent coming up in 5 days is Roco Boccora. The JW has found his greatest weak energy point which is on an organ, his spleen which was due to a great emotional trauma when he was 6 years old. The trauma was “abandonment“. The JW will metaphysically dowse and sweep his system to find these max weak points. Now that we know the word… the JW will teach you how to implement it before, during and at key moment during the match so Roco’s muscles go weak for but a second while Jo makes his moves at those exact seconds, and while making the move, to WIN.
Large sports team example. Basketball. 1991 NBA finals
The coach of the LA Lakers has contacted the Jedi Wizard for help to weaken sports opponents, in particular the Bulls. The Lakers are going up against the champions of the day, the Bulls and Jordan. The coach wants a magical advantage to win over the bulls, and will take any .5 or 1%+ advantage he can take, to tip the scale in his team’s and owners margin of victory. Because 1% can be enough to tip the scale to victory. The coach Pat Riley, asks for the weak points of 3 players, the star players of the Bulls who are fierce opponents, and any advantage over them are critical. 1. Jordan, 2. Pippen, 3. Rodman. The JW gives the key weaken words for each player, and explains how Pat can use it. Pat also has a secret meeting with two other players who will know these weakening words, and will use them on the court as they play, so the words are used mentally or verbally at key seconds of fast motion plays. So, the coach and two or more players are now using weakening word projections throughout the game when the big 3 opponents are taking part in key moves on the court. When Rodman is about to take a rebound, the word is played. When Jordan is taking his first steps on a lay up, the words are used. When Pippen is about to take a shot, just before the shot, the words are played. When Jordan is at the free throw line and is going through the motions to throw, the weak words are said continuously by coach and the 2 in the know players on the court, mentally or under their breath, which makes Jordan loose full control of his muscles when in action. The two players in the know can use the weaken words constantly when going up against the 3 opponents they have words for. Throughout the game, the opponents can be weaken 200+ times, giving in the end, extraordinary advantages to defeat them. IT WILL ADD UP.
In reality the Bulls won in 1991, however, if Pat really did work with the JW back then, and had in fact gotten the weak words of 3,4,5 Bull players, for which 3 to 5 Laker players used live during the game, the scales could have tipped significantly.
Muscles. In the above example, throwing a ball involves several muscles in the hand. Those can all be weakened in one swoop at the right point in time which is critical to get the right amount of touch when the ball leaves the fingers. The arm- forearm, biceps, shoulder muscles, are all used in tandem, in coordination when aiming the ball, and for the right motion, in conjunction with the soft delicate touch of the finger muscles. We can say there are at least 5 major muscle groups used in just throwing the ball. Then all the other muscles of the leg, thigh, feet, calves for the jump. You can interfere with the opponents entire muscle system when pushing the weak body point mentally, to put off the entire coordination system. The long term ramifications with this Jedi Wizard trick in the sports industry is quite significant, for those that know it. The full recipe is not for sale, just the “find” on each person you request the flaw word on and how to implement.
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