“Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look long into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you.” (Beyond Good and Evil, 146)
Through quantum entanglement, I have full all access to everyone and every-thing…
-Jedi Wizard
The Jedi Wizard started on the road to special gifted abilities in 2021. Psychic ESPs and vision abilities became apparent and obvious. Predicting the future and reading people became more frequent in recent years. The Jedi Wizard started practicing standard energy balancing through metaphysical methods, implementing sub conscience data pulls through kinesiology test methods.
Enter quantum. The combination of full developed psychic abilities, the 4 Clairs and other ESP gifts, the Jedi Wizard is not only a Wizard, but a Quantum-Shaman Wizard as well, hence his fusion of classic metaphysical methods of black magic busting along with using modern day quantum tech analysis technology method cross overs, gives Jedi Wizard standing as one of the worlds most unique Jedi type Wizards for multitudes of complex solutions.
The Jedi Wizard is a long time Buddhist of 3 decades and believes in Karma intricately through strong first hand experience, not just the theory. The Jedi Wizard follows white hat, in the light principles in his work. Requests for dark side or black hat requests will be rejected. All requests/your intentions will be pre checked for approval before a booking.
The Jedi Wizards soul is unique, an Angelic “old” soul among the three which we find on earth. (Earth soul, Star Seed soul, and Angelic). This is not self assessed but revealed by a great Centurion Wizard himself to the Jedi Wizard in June 2024. The Jedi Wizard has long been very concerned about the state of the world and its peoples suffering and hence has a strong desire to push enlightenment to the world from darkness, converting suffering into happiness and enlightenment, shifting the world from Yin, into Yang.
▪ Clairvoyance (AKA general ESP, psychic ability)
▪ Clairaudience
▪ Clairsentience (AKA gut feeling)
▪ Claircognizance (AKA Direct Knowing, Clairknostic/Clairnostic)
▪ ClairVisionist
▪ Clairgustance
▪ Clairgnosis (Clairnose)
▪ Oracle (future prediction)
▪ Combat sense / “ClairCombat”
▪ Mind reading / Vibe readings
▪ Clairsounds
▪ Remote Viewer
▪ Dowser (Divining rods) & Quantum Dowser
▪ Kinesiologist / Muscle tester / Diagnostician
▪ Psychometrist
▪ Law of attraction reality creation
▪ Classic Wizard (i.e. black magic/vodoo busting)
▪ Quantum Exorcist.
▪ Mental-Astral time traveler, timeline viewer and editor
▪ Radiestesia-ology
▪ Healer advisor
▪ Kairomancy
▪ Mystic
▪ Regular and Quantum Shaman (Radionics pro)
Aside from the above list of metaphysical and mystical abilities, The Jedi Wizard offers exceptional and serious industry specific business services to key mining and fishing sectors, among other business assisted services. The services give a break to mining and fishing scouting and surveying guess work. Thereby allowing industry professionals to SNIPE gold, fish or other minerals at high speed. Eliminating blind works. Not only can miners and fisherman save time and fuel, but find the jackpots below ground and under sea.
Bounty Hunter- The Wizard offers unique services to government and law enforcement to catch fugitives and most wanted for a bounty fee, on a case by case basis subject to the Wizards approval.
Health: All things health consultant, energy pulls, etc.
Ghost busting: Each haunted house and ghost is assessed first and subject to approval for busting.
Note: The Jedi Wizard does not do traditional palm reading, tarot cards, fortune telling or prophecy. Yet can offer alternatives. He does not use the words “god”, “miracle” or similar terms to describe nature, or metanature, forces or other phenomena, nor refer to himself as a “witch” or “warlock” as these carry bad connotation to the dark side occult. References to religion are not used, except certain karma topics, only Buddhism reference will be given.
Take a picture of a grain of rice, throw it out of an airplane, and I will find its location on a map.
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