Doing rehabilitation from substance abuse does not need to be expensive or mean checking into some resort. If you are moderately effected by alcohol and drug use, attempting to quite and do not have major health damages, this service is for you. One aspect of rehab is to detox, another is to cut the desires for the substances. This service by the Jedi Wizard does both, pushing you to health restoration. Thirdly, advice on OTC supplements and items to push detox will be advised. The Alcohol/drug rehab + addiction busting session gives you the desire cut and the clean up op plus advice on polishing up the adjustments.
The addiction can be caused by a multitude of things which leads one down a slippery slope. It does depend on the person and the case at hand. Some are social pressures and hence, conditioning, others are neurological imbalances, yet for other it is an escape from stress and pressures of life, society etc. (or so called things of importance which the mind is trained to perceive as such), hence a reevaluation of “what’s important” needs to be checked. Whatever the causative factor is, the JW will find it and root it out there. Then on to the secondary contributor and so on and so forth. Once causation is dealt with, steps to detox initiate. “Will power” and AA meetings and using just the power of will, logic are not always a solution because the hook is operating on another level, such as within neurology, emotions or otherwise. Whatever imbalances there are, they will all be dowsed/quantum scanned for and found. Something doctors, AA group members and rehab specialists don’t have the know how to do.
To much of anything can turn into poison. Is alcohol bad for you? Well, it all depends! What are you drinking, how much, over what time span, is it an alcohol which your body can break down, assimilate and accept? Did you mix it with other alcohols and again, how much, what is it, how fast etc. If you binge and mix, you will be in a world of hurt. Same or similar rules apply to pharma drugs and pot. Some people have adverse reactions to certain spirits and not to others. It could be due to genetics or the probiotic population in the gut or lack thereof which dictates tolerances and breakdown of those inputs. You must know your tolerances! With regard to hard drugs they are extreme in nature and hence in 9.9 times out of 10, will not be within the middle way. Pot can be used as medicine under the right situations. For fun, well, it does depend on the person, type of strain, how much etc. Everyone must ask where their line is being crossed when ingesting substances. Sugar is an addictive neuro toxin poison did you know that? High doses of sugar destroy your immunity and overall health. The philosophy of the middle way must be used wisely thought through with all things of daily life and that includes modest drugs and alcohols. Pharma drugs have their place and time, albeit there exists many natural remedies which existed way before pharmakia imposed themselves on the world at the turn of the century. Coca leaves are chewed on by locals of Columbia and central America tribes that farm it. Is that bad? Not much, as it is in it’s raw form in lower doses than processed cocaine. Coca Cola had coca leaves in it originally! What about tobacco? Well, was it sprayed with tons of pesticides, genetically modified (GMO) and had addictive chemicals added to it?? Those are bad and have a cost to your health. Or was the tobacco organic, grown at home, clean etc. like the native Americans grew and smoked it? If you like smoking, try growing your own.
The stigma against alcohol in this country is over the top. If you spent time in Europe the attitude is totally different. And if you spend time in Japan or Korea, you will see drinking very common and celebrated. Just because you have a drink after work to take some edge off does not warrant anyone calling you an alcoholic. Americans tend to throw that word around quick and fast to anyone they deem and judge to be “drinking to much”. Same goes with smoking. The semantics of this subject matter can swing back and forth for hours. It’s all about balance and knowing your body’s limits and knowing what’s going in, toxins included, and furthermore do you know how to detox those things when you OD? What is intolerable and toxin to one person, may be totally tolerable to another…
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