Citrus greening disease also called HLB, citrus vein phloem degeneration (CVPD), yellow shoot disease, yellow dragon disease, leaf mottle yellows in the Philippines, citrus dieback in India. Citrus Greening Disease treatment can be done with special tech to rid the pathogens induced infestation.
You likely have have this infestation with the following symptoms; yellowing of the veins and adjacent tissues hence the “yellow dragon” followed by splotchy mottling of the entire leaf, premature defoliation, die back of twigs, decay of feeder rootlets and lateral roots, and decline in vigor, ultimately followed by the death of the tree.
With this quantum tech, we can create the information which is the start point of existence of any THING. Or in the case of bad things, removing that information. Water was potentized and under a microscope, crystals began to form from a Radionics balance session. Under this principle, what is listed below can be done, made, projected etc. One very small example. The Jedi Wizard had a mosquito problem, likely coming through the net on the window. A bottle of water was balanced with LEMONGRASS, a known mosquito repel, at 10x potency. The water was sprayed at the window next to the work desk. What happened? Lemongrass was tasted in the mouth in about 4 minutes! The core essence was made from scratch, sort of like how bankers print money out of thin air… now read below and believe.
Strategy of this program is to target the bacterium / pathogens which cause this plant infection by tuning into specifically these:
Hence giving you a quantum citrus greening disease treatment system which is hard to come by whereby conventional treatments are mediocre. After repetitive treatment sessions spaced out over the period needed, the pathogens should die off, estimates are around 10 days. Other advanced techniques are implemented to reinforce a holding pattern to block the frequency/energy tune of these specific infections. Each crop is different, so a slight slant on treatment is implemented to ensure your citrus is cured, safe, back and going toward full health and strength. All is measured before, during and after the sessions so results and progress are clearly tracked on the dials!
Apart of this this package balance is a “into the future” auto balancing which will be a timed top up of any and all tuning;s listed for the treatment to enforce and fortify the program. This ensures the balancing does not wear down over time. In Radionics there is no TIME, SIZE, DISTANCE. For example, weekly for 12 weeks, 1 to 2x a week.
Due to the infections coming in via Diaphorina citri, Trioza erytreae pests, it may be advised to buy our Crop pestilence service custom curtailed to the two bug vectors which bring in the issue to begin with. Inquire.
The Institute for Resonance Therapy (IRT), founded in 1986 by Dr. Marion Graefin Hoensbroech, has focused primarily on forest restoration across Germany and neighboring countries. Their research includes numerous double-blind studies demonstrating the positive effects of radionics. Initially, they experimented with a wide array of radionics equipment. In 1987, ProNova Energetiks (now known as Munovamus), showcased the devices for them.
Institute of Resonance Therapy, Germany
The foundations of using radionics in agriculture were laid by Curtis R. Upton and his colleagues at U.K.A.C.O., a company Upton established. His methods culminated in a significant study for the USDA in the 1950s, his techniques proved remarkably effective. Notably, the Dow Chemical Company conducted a parallel study and achieved similar results. Despite early USDA enthusiasm for the technology, once these studies concluded, the results remained unpublished. Edward Russell explores this potential suppression in his book Report on Radionics (published by C.W. Daniel, Essex, England).
Study produced for the U.S.D.A.
from Report on Radionics, Japanese beetle control.
Modern methods shift the focus from eradicating pests to enhancing soil, seeds, and plants, so they naturally grow healthier and more resilient. Observations suggest that robust plants do not attract pests, which seem to play a role in eliminating genetically weak plants, acting as part of nature’s self-regulating process for survival of the fittest.
IRT’s methods highlight this concept. The organization has discovered that pollution and chemical toxins from pesticides, herbicides, and other waste challenge forests’ ability to adapt. Under normal conditions, trees would take hundreds or even thousands of years to integrate such changes, but the rapid introduction of new compounds severely hampers this process. Forests with higher vitality appear more adaptable, while those with diminished vitality suffer. The ecosystem, through a quantum process called “subtle attractor,” typically sends out signals to initiate adaptation, but the fast-paced changes often prevent any response.
Resonance Therapy seeks to restore the ecosystem’s adaptive capacity by reintroducing an organizing informational field, allowing the system to realign itself. However, this does not imply that continued pollution is sustainable; the ecosystem’s capacity to reorganize will eventually deplete. While informational patterns of IDFs (Informational Data Fields) can be reintroduced, the ecosystem must internalize these patterns to manifest the change. Moreover, repetition of the information is crucial as the system progressively adopts the new structure.
According to Mandelbrot, the repetition of simple patterns forms the foundation of nature’s complex structures. By repeatedly applying simple mathematical formulas, intricate natural forms, like fractals, emerge, increasing crop yield output boosting. This concept underscores how the order of the whole can be discerned in its basic components, with fractals serving as potent IDF resonators.
The IRT begins its process by analyzing topographical maps or aerial photographs of target areas, outlining specific regions for treatment. Using scanners, they digitize the data and convert it into mathematical formulas (fractals), which are manipulated in the computer to identify the Critical Rotation Point (CRP) following the traditions of Abrams and De La Warr.
Guided by the local forest service, the IRT determines the scale of the surrounding ecosystem, recognizing that treating the forest alone requires addressing the entire ecosystem. After identifying the appropriate IDF resonators with a radionic device, balancing sessions begin. Two individuals monitor the results and adjust the balancing sessions, which typically last two to four hours a day, five days a week. Through constant observation, they determine the optimal duration for balancing and when to pause, allowing the ecosystem to absorb the new information.
Rotation of areas to be balanced
Twice a year, comprehensive physical assessments are conducted, including foliage growth, root development, leaf analysis, light measurements, and testing of control trees in surrounding areas. Due to pollution, most forests require about three years of balancing before they can fully restore their self-regulating processes. The outcomes of these sessions are evident across various levels, such as increased humus on the forest floor, a rise in plant species diversity, improved tree nutrition, and enhanced leaf mass. Interestingly, animals in the region seem to detect the balancing and gravitate toward these areas for food and nesting.
In another experiment, the IRT took photographs of specific groups of trees, transmitted IDFs to only one group, and monitored them for three years. Using light meters, they measured how much light the trees’ leaves blocked each year. Despite a drought in the second year, treated trees continued to thrive, outperforming the control group, which suffered significant decline due to the drought.
Further experiments involved comparing sprouted seeds. Ten seeds treated with IDFs were planted alongside ten untreated seeds. After ten days, seeds exhibited significantly more developed root systems and sprouted tops, while the untreated seeds lagged far behind. Even the least developed seed outperformed the most advanced untreated seed.
One particularly fascinating study involved attaching a plant to an EEG and transmitting IDFs from 50 kilometers away. The plant demonstrated a clear response, with EEG readings spiking as soon as the balancing began. This intriguing result reinforces the ongoing research by the IRT to support the goal of crop yield output boosting.
By 1996, the IRT had completed research on projects spanning 40,000 hectares or more. The most crucial takeaway from their findings is that we must urgently halt the degradation of the ecosystem.
IRT Projects 1986–1995:
1986: Laboratory established in Frankfurt. Initial tests on fast-growing plants and a field trial in Krefeld, Germany, yield positive results.
1987: First successful remote treatment of woodlands.
1988: Institute relocates to Tünnich near Cologne, establishing the Schloss Tünnich Institute for Resonance Therapy.
1989: Expansion of treated woodlands, with trial areas established in Holland. New applications include seed treatment and reclaimed lands.
1990–1991: Expansion of treatments to woodlands across several European countries. The IRT successfully treats ecosystems larger than 2,000 acres.
1992–1993: Adaptation of the method for areas exceeding 20,000 acres. Research into Europe’s energetic structure leads to treatments in the Czech Republic.
1994–1995: Relocation to Cappenberg near Dortmund, with new projects in Germany, Scotland, and England. The IRT is commissioned by the Foundation Milieubewustzijn and the Gorbatchev Foundation to treat Russia’s Niznesvirsky Nature Reserve.
The above radionic experiments were done with inferior tech and skills of the time. What the JW can do is much more sophisticated and expansive, which is a superior recipe for success.
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