A specialized service for fishing fleets out at sea of where the crabs are located in highest density!
Ahoy fisherman! Welcome to Jedi Wizardry. A site and service offering very specialized tech services to the fishing industry to go STRAIT TO WHERE THE BIGGEST SCHOOL OF CRAB (OR OTHER FISH) SCHOOLS ARE HUDDLING, FEEDING AND HEADED TO. This is done by a combination of quantum tech, an ancient method, psychic components all combined as a wizards formula to simply find what we are looking for, and that can include your crab jackpots!
Save TIME, Save ENERGY, save FUEL, save allot, earn big. Go strait from the dock to the nearest or biggest hot spot school for that day… Hit your quota faster and have an edge not just for a quota but for a derby. Hit hotspots 1, then 2, then 3, then 4 and scoop hot zone to hot zone like you have fish radar.
Just because you have “never heard of this before” or think “it is impossible”. Or “we are in the tech age, someone should have this for sale by now to install on my ship..” The old timers during the gold rushes, they had just 1.5 of the components I am talking about to find ALL the major gold. If you watch the tv show Gold rush, there is always evidence of the old timers getting all the major hauls and easy pickins. Yet they had “low tech” at the time. They used one thing, and found all the accessible gold. The Jedi Wizard can do that, and more, on a day to day week to week basis as crab move around. Gold does not move much, hence, making finding crab is a moving target. But not for the JW, he will “radar” right into the ocean and find your motherlodes like its nothing and nobody´s business! The ocean floor is a slowly changing eco environment and crabs adjust as well. You cant possibly rely on indexes of where you found crab before on ridges etc. That is guess work.
The Jedi Wizard offers a free trial before or while you are out to sea, either on a quota, derby etc. You state your location, what range or area you want to fish in, and let the JW go to work and give you options 1, 2 and 3 of the areas showing the biggest huddles of red king crab, bairdi, or other fish you seek. Specific desires for the day, or time frame can be given. See example boolean queries to give to the JW. The ocean floors are scanned with your boolean query, and pinpoint areas are extracted, on a map with a depiction of the school a shape of the huddle. Crab fishing school locator tech for sniping the schools.
You send the coordinates you want scanned. A depiction of the highest concentration of a school is drawn in a shape and color code, input or output can be used with opeseamap website. The mindset of the crab and their tended direction is also given, helping you trail them in directional line. Each hotspot will be zoomed in with GPS coordinates on each corner of the shape depiction. The map on the left is a macro, but a smaller zoomed version is given.
You can call it quantum subtle data field scanning, analysis and mining. All data fields of red king are scanned, and other wanted data fields, down to the atom, are asked and extracted through quantum technology with an element of dowsing. The tech is used in a wide range of industries already for about 100 years, such as health, laboratories, psychic works, and many more. Now the JW brings its applicability to the fishing industry. The few people that do use this tech, are applying it elsewhere as there are many uses of it, in many industries or specialties, yet extremely to few practitioners with quality quant machines. Using it here in fishing is a niche within a niche within a niche.
You set the 800 square mile zone. Set the specific query for on demand, or in advance before you leave the dock. Make an appointment within a 24 hr period on a call by check basis to the JW for the booking. Once a booking time is confirmed for the job, you will be billed $800. Set the time you want the scan done. The scan and report mapping will take less than an hour, data, map will be sent by any means you choose, email, telegram etc. Payments are done by credit card by online invoice given by email. A follow up call later will be scheduled for each party to update each other, and fine tune further if needed any new data which may have changed on the situation for the school since the first scan and its corresponding data. I.e. the school changed direction, and you clipped one side of it, and need to change course more sharply. Once you find the jackpot school of the day, you can work that area for days, then go to the 2nd and 3rd locations etc of the mapping to get whatever is still hanging around there.
What is this? The JW has the ability to target a set zone of waters, that you choose and send in virtual energy of the bait smell into the ocean floor, or whatever depth, of the bait your target catch eats. Therefore attracting the catch AND KEEPING THEM THERE, because they SMELL the food. Let them come to you, and stay there all the while you stay in a small zone potting. We can virtual bait an area, preferably close to dock, 7-10 days in advance, by the time you get there, crab will have migrated there already like sharks smelling blood in the water from miles away. These sea creatures use dowsing for finding food, and trust me, distance plays zero factor. They just know and they just go.
Virtual bait is by taking the energetic subtle energy of the bait and projecting it into an area of ocean. And since the crab sense this through their internal ESP systems, they all start moving in herds to the next food zones, and if the subtle energies are strong, like really strong, it can attract crab from hundreds of miles away. You can literally set your bait zone in advance, wait for them to migrate, then go there and stay there, they come to you. Stop spinning your props jumping around the Bearing sea, making the oil companies rich. Be the fishing boat rock star where the groupies just come to you…
Virtual baiting for your private fish jackpot hole: $500, for a limited time in 2025. First request is free! (Future prices are expected to be 1-2K)
Fill out the contact form below
$500 / Virtual bait zone of 20 miles square
Spend $800, save $20000+ in fuel by cutting the guesswork, earn $100,000s extra in shorter time frames fishing.
Free consultation call with the Jedi Wizard
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