Mental vitality + brain force recharge is a powerful package of many frequency tunes to revitalize the mind and brain to clear mind fog, lethargy, weaknesses, and more.
Mental vitality 360 boost package- A multi leveled boost, clearance, metaphysical and frequency tune package to reach every angle of the brain and mind for max peak performance for the mind intensive individual.
This pack will be done in a session, with auto “top up” re tuning at an interval over weeks and months to retop the programs as needed. Free consult call before or after the booking. Free follow up call 90 days after first session for a final manual balance on any area needing extra attention. If you are needing actual supplements, we will discuss those which you can acquire on your own.
Those who are mentally spent and can´t recover. Those that do high “octane” mind intensive jobs, such as technical, academics, programing, highly skilled professions, creative designers and directors, stunted IQ, CEOs, those who feel they are stunted or retarded (slow) in any area of thinking and mind performances… you name it. If you can´t focus and think clearly all day, you need this pack. If you need to go to the next level of mind brilliance for a major project or challenges, this is you.
Or if you feel like you slipped into dumbness or stupidity over time and need to snap out of it, this 360 mental pack sweeps through all the key angles, tunes them up to full, kicks imbalances and disruptive subtle energies to quickly restore your mind´s amazing potentialities!