Past life readings- understand themes, mandala patterns, karma, relations and more going on now, to make sense of it further.
Book the Jedi Wizard for clues about past, present and future timelines to see what should happen and be completed.
The Jedi Wizard, who is a super psychic, not only can pier into the present, but for your past life readings, dig into the timelines and pick up facts about events then, themes, trends and more. Events, lessons, situations that happened in past lives, which still may be carrying on at present. Lets see what they are and make sense out of it all.
Most importantly is the aspect of karma at play. The JW has a been a Buddhist a long time, and has studied the doctrine of karma directly from Buddhist texts, and has seen how the doctrine and real daily life connect with karma, good and bad along with its transmutation. Further, seeing karma morph from bad to good, seeing events play out which are unresolved matters from a past life which had to play out here and now in order to expiate the bad karma. Karma is fare more intricate then people may be lead on to think. It is in overtones, middletones and subtle undertones of past present and future.
Why we have sentiments, situations, themes, patterns, or also known as “Mandalas”, can help us know whats overall going on.
Beyond just curiosity, knowing about events or life themes of the past life, can explain why similar themes may be playing out now. Furthermore, why these themes are playing due to either sentimentality, or unfinished business. Such as going through hard times in order to finish receiving the karmic retribution. The opposite is true as well, good traits, missions, abilities etc can carry over to be used in the present and future.
Do past lives affect what occupation you choose? Is it going on now? Or soon in the future? Are you seeking and longing to be something or someone? A past life hang up or unfinished “mission” could very well be steering you to such, so you can finish that “soul experience/journey”. This is common for life themes. If you died in a past life and did not finish a, or multiple experiences your soul needed, you are destined to pick up where you left off.
Innate talents: Special abilities, skills, talent etc. can carry over through the soul into this existence. If you think you have not found your true calling in work life, a past life readings search for hidden abilities, which if discovered could be picked up quickly, and hence you would be called “a natural” or “talented”.
The JW will hear your angle and questions on what links from the past you want to know of to make a connection, if any. Otherwise we will go through the basic laundry list of questions and see what meta facts we can pull and then go make sense from there.
Have you met people or had relationships and really want to know the past history with them? The JW can certainly analyze both persons and try to find events of the a past life relationship or encounters. From there, we can determine many important questions and judge
By looking into the past, we can find trend lines which continue and reoccur now. Some of these trends may be at start, mid way or ending. Overall, some kind of karma dictates our life themes, such as types of relationships, careers, health, attitude… go ahead and pick anything. In this past life reading service, we can link past to present to satisfy your curiosity and make some sense of it. Like why you like doing certain things, who you date, why you want to go live in a far off exotic city. If there is unfinished missions, the JW will try to find them so you can get to it soon.
Included in this reading is a consultation on changing karma.
Add on service: Mandalas. What is this? Think of it as an aura, essence, theme, trend, spirit, unseen feeling(s) which can not be touched or explained fully. These are mystic spirit themes which live in the ether, sort to speak. A subtle undertone. And Mandalas can effect any area of health, to daily or multi year vibes going on in your life. Past or present. There are many examples of Mandalas for health which can be balanced and adjusted in a custom or set service to book with the JW.
But, beyond simple Mandalas to adjust and balance, there are themes in your life which can be constituted into a full sentence! And this service allows you to write out multiple sentences of several mandalas going on, so the JW can balance them to 0, and write up new ones and turn those up to 100% or turbo it as needed to 110% +
I.E. : “I moved out from my parents home at 18 and went to work full time immediately, to save and live freely and independently to avoid abuses, and enjoy the lifestyle I wanted, and should have enjoyed” (instead of wasting time with XYZ then, etc… – this is to relieve big regrets to past bad actions or inaction’s which still bother you to this day)
“Stop getting dead end jobs which result in getting fired early, and constantly being on the job hunt”
“Stop finding unsuitable unfulfilling relationships, who do xxx or xyz “
“Stop feeling like I am being controlled, condescended, having watchful eyes on me, feel like I am restricted, and chained to my parents (or spouse, or friend circles)”
“Have more easy going enjoyment of xyz and not feel shame or guilt around such activities, nor be perturbed by critics doing such, so I can feel free”
“Choose apartments which are compatible with me for a harmonious living experience”
Time travel / retroactive Mandala deletion or additions
If you are bothered by events that happened in the past, recurring events, we can change that mandala now and go retroactive to a date, or as far back as possible on the timeline, to bring relief to the past.
You name your life themes you want deleted, and write what themes you want. Contact the JW for this service aside from the past life reading. Life Mandalas may or may not connect or to a degree, to past lives. We have to score it. Mandala edit services are custom quoted.
We all have past life karma playing out now. The JW will try and find them and those that are of interest to you now. Once picked out, further analysis can be done on how much is remaining to be tolerated. The principles of the universal law of cause and effect will be explained along with how you can cut it down as soon as possible. Karma has a big element of mystic to it, it is not linear math. So, it can be hard to identify sometimes. We will do our best to ID it and consult on changing it. We cant not talk much about past lives as it relates to the present without discussing a karma component! You should open your mind up first before taking on this service booking if you are adament to reject this Buddhist theory due to your current religious beliefs.
We have souls. Most of us at least, except for NPC´s, some aliens, clones, reptilians and other ilk. The soul is a “ball” of light stored in next to our heart. The soul is on a journey to learn through experiences and lessons. Plus playing out past life karma debts. Through a past life reading we can find lessons you are experiencing now and track them back to how many lifetimes ago they started, and what main experiences/lessons need to be had by you in this life, or soon. Once those soul priorities are had, you can then move on to others. Events of pain have life lessons. Even are events for big growth, depending on your attitude and perspective. The soul carries light, and light carries information. Lots of it. That information carries into the next life, so events and themes are effected in them, or new experiences made in order to add to your journey database of experience.
Deja Vu is explained differing ways depending on the theories. But one can be simple. In a past life, you were here before, doing things here. You feel “at home” or a sense of familiarity. Or a wanting to do certain things here or there, and there is just this mystic mirror or sense of being there or experiencing it before, or like you remember and feel it like it happened before. It is happening now but it also happened before. Some kind of redo or repeat.
These events could be time slips, or timeline merges, or a time fissures where you peer into the past or future, or other parallel dimension. But I digress. If you get drawn to a location, events, people that you feel a deep connection with, it could be a past life event continuing. We can look into it if it in fact you SHOULD or should not continue, based on a score system and karma.
We can see who you know in this life that you did things with in past lives, and further determine if there needs to be resolutions, continuation or termination. At a certain point, common sense and good judgement must be used! Not this sense of letting all past events dictate the here and now. We still have free will, do not forget.
This is simple. It was talked about above. Do you want to change things quick? It is all about karmic debts. Face them, head on, pay your bills, and go. The JW will consult you on how to expiate the karma from the karma end, and how to face the injured party, with what kind of attitude and move toward getting it settled, to BALANCE THE IMBALANCE. The universe is always seeking equilibrium’s. You either work to rip off the band aid, or slower, but just get it over with so you can MOVE ON TO THE NEXT LIFE JOURNEY CHAPTERS.
Book Past life readings session
$350 / 90 minutes live session